

Scouts LOVE to camp. Here at Troop 978 we go on some of the best camping trips. From weekend trips involving rope challenge courses, to archery, to rifle shooting, to winter survival, to week-long summer camp, to High Adventure, we do it all.

Camping Information and Forms

Calendar of Events and Camping

See the current calendar of events and dates for future camping trips.

Health Forms

Forms A & B
Forms A, B, & C

Troop 978 Permission Slip

Coming Soon

Owassipe Scout Reservation

Click HERE for general information about OSR. As we get closer to sign-up for the summer of 2022 more details will follow.

High Adventure Trip

The High Adventure trip is still being worked out. Please check back here for details.

Get In Touch With Us!


+ 1 234 567 890



St. Paul Lutheran Church
5650 N. Canfield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60631

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