So you wanna be a Boy Scout
Boy Scouts are awesome! Scouts help out the community. Scouts learn life skills. Scouts learn to work as a team. Scouts go on awesome adventures.
Getting Started...
Attend a meeting
We want you to feel comfortable with us. Please joins us for a meeting or two just to take us for a test drive.
Fill out the forms
Yea..Yea..we know this is the stinky part. Sorry but we do need some forms. Please open, fill out, print, and bring to a meeting these forms.
Scout Application
Medical Form
Photo Release
Parent Interest Form
Yes, scouts wear a uniform. It's a since of pride for the scouts. Scouts wear two different uniforms. A "Class A" and a "Class B". The "Class A" needs to be provided by the scout, the "Class B" will be provided by the troop.
Class A
Class B
Scout Book
Advancement is a key part of scouting. The scoutbook is a great resource for the scouts. The book will be provided by the troop.
Get In Touch With Us!
St. Paul Lutheran Church
5650 N. Canfield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60631